[packman] Oracle packages from pmbs

Petr Vanek petr at yarpen.cz
Wed Nov 20 09:33:11 CET 2013

On 11/20/2013 09:23 AM, Stefan Botter wrote:
> Hi Petr,
> On Tue, 19 Nov 2013 16:00:22 +0100
> Petr Vanek <petr at yarpen.cz> wrote:
>> hi again,
>> On 10/24/2013 11:16 AM, Stefan Botter wrote:
>>>> hi packmand admins,
>>>> I have my own server where are RPM packages for Oracle stuff
>>>> stored, meaning: all is built on pmbs -> rsync (?) to my downlaod
>>>> server. See:
>>>> http://dev-loki.blogspot.com/2011/08/oracle-related-packages-for-opensuse.html
>>>> Unfortunately I had to migrate the download server (domain name
>>>> remains the same, the IP has been changed). So the sync stopped to
>>>> work. I'd expect it's just a ssh key/address validation isse. I
>>>> tried to contact Pascal week(s) ago with no luck.
>>>> Can anybody look at it, please?
>>> Yep, ssh-key issue.
>>> I run the script manually for all repos now.
>> pmbs repository for 13.1 is ready but there is no sync again. Isn't
>> there any issue logged, please?
> No issue, apart from the fact, that I enabled publishing for 13.1 after
> (Nov 9 IIRC) ththe last build (Nov 4) in that repo.
> Now I manually published the Oracle repo for 13.1, and the packages
> should have arrived at your server.

ah, I see. Packages are confirmed:

thanks a lot!

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