[packman] mpg123

E.J.M. Hartman E.J.M.Hartman at tudelft.nl
Tue Nov 5 16:51:53 CET 2013

Is there any change for mpg123 version 1.16 to arrive at packman:
> 2013-06-07 Thomas: mpg123 1.16.0

> We're back! With significant performance enhancements all across the
> board, mpg123 is up there on the peak of MPEG audio decoding
> efficiency again! Though, we have to admit, this is a race with
> outcome depending on your setup.

(from the news page:
although the date of the sources is only about a month ago).
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TTTTTTTTTT  UU      UU    Eef Hartman, Linux Support Admin
    TT      UU      UU
    TT      UU      UU    Delft University of Technology
    TT      UU      UU    Dept. EWI/Computer Engineering
    TT      UU      UU    Mekelweg 4, room HB 10.110
    TT      UU      UU    2628 CD  Delft, The Netherlands
    TT       UU    UU     E-mail : E.J.M.Hartman at tudelft.nl
    TT        UUUUUU      Phone  : +31-15-27 82525 (GSM 62525)

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