[packman] ffmpeg update to version 2.0

Jürgen Gringmuth posidonia at web.de
Tue Jul 30 18:27:51 CEST 2013

First of all I'd like to apologize for not knowing how to answer to a particular 
post here - the following is meant to be an answer to Manfred's reaction 
on my writings below.

Of course I have vlc-codecs installed, but this package was removed due to 
failed dependencies that I thought were pointing to ffmpeg. I remember 
trouble with libavfilter3, libpostproc52, libswresample0 and libswscale2 
because I made myself a note not to update these packages on my other 
machine running 12.3, too.

Don't ask me how, but at least I succeeded in having a good-working VLC 
again, including vlc-codecs.


Am Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2013, 08:43:07 schrieb Jürgen Gringmuth:
>/ As I am having difficulties with VLC using the new ffmpeg version, I/
>/ was happy to see that ffmpeg1 exists now. But I fail to install it./
>/ Trying one-click-install leads to this message:/
>/ /
>/ "Der Installations-Link oder die Datei, die Sie geöffnet haben,/
>/ enthält keine Anweisungen für diese Version von openSUSE."/

This Problem doesn't come from ffmpeg update, vlc doesn't use the new 
ffmpeg. Are you sure you have installed vlc-codecs package?

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