[packman] Something is wrong with updates

Herbert Graeber herbert at graeber-clan.de
Wed Dec 25 00:06:21 CET 2013


Am Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2013, 16:39:20 schrieb Peter Czanik:
> I also reported it a few days ago. It seems to me, that some new
> packages are built for i586 and used for fresh compiles, but are never
> published, but stuck somewhere in the PackMan BuildService.

Yes, ther had bee something wrong iwht the i586 repos.

Meanwhile packmans OBS dispatcher is dead, so that currently nothing is building 
at all. I don't known who can fix that and if there is any hope to get it running over the 
christmas days :-(

> On 12/20/2013 07:59 PM, Hartmut wrote:
> > Yesterday I installed Opensuse 13.1 (i586) on an Asus EEE. After that
> > I tried to install/change the multimedia-packages from/to packman.
> > Could not get it to work, there were massive conflicts.
> > 
> > So today I got my Notebook with Opensuse 13.1 and a working
> > Packman-multimedia-install from 4 weeks ago. So now there were lots of
> > updated packages available. I tried an "update all if available" and
> > got lots of conflicts. Discarded all and tried again with one package
> > after the other and updated, if no conflicts appeared. In this way I
> > got most packages "up to date".
> >
> > [...]

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