[packman] nvidia-settings

Wolfgang Bauer wbauer at tmo.at
Tue Aug 13 22:09:35 CEST 2013

Am Dienstag, 13. August 2013, 13:41:18 schrieb Malcolm:
> On Tue 13 Aug 2013 08:04:43 PM CDT, Wolfgang Bauer wrote:
> >Hi!
> >Could this package (nvidia-settings) please be removed?
> >
> >It may have served some purposes in the past, but it doesn't work
> >really well with the latest nvidia drivers, and nvidia-settings is
> >included there anyway.
> >
> >Especially newcomers install it and have problems afterwards...
> >
> >Thank you.
> >
> >Kind regards,
> >Wolfgang
> Hi
> It's needed for conky to include the temperature feature, not sure what
> else is enabled on the conky side. It is built on OBS since it's
> released under the GPL. It probably just needs updating?

Sorry, I didn't know that conky needs it to build.

So maybe just unpublish it? And remove the binaries in the repo?

As I said, it just causes problems and confusions...
If needed, I can post links... ;)


Kind regards,

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