[packman] VLC missing dependency (pulseaudio)

Peter Czanik pczanik at fang.fa.gau.hu
Tue Nov 20 23:04:00 CET 2012

On 11/20/2012 10:44 PM, Hartmut wrote:
> Uninstall pulse without the two packages with dependencies and sound 
> works.

That's right. One of the (many) reasons moving away from Gnome was the 
ability to wipe pulseaudio from my system. I have the ears (and 
headphones) the hear the difference between a pulseaudio and clean 
system, and it's significant...

> Spielmops
> Am 20.11.2012 21:25, schrieb Jonathan Fischer Friberg:
>> Hi,
>> I'm sorry if this has been brought up before. :)
>> So here's the deal:
>> VLC (the package 'vlc') is missing the package 'vlc-aout-pulse' as
>> dependency.
>> 'vlc-aout-pulse' is pulseaudio audio out for vlc.
>> Since opensuse uses pulseaudio by default, this is pretty bad.
>> As I understand it, if 'vlc-aout-pulse' is not present. vlc uses
>> alsa, which sends the sound to pulseaudio.
>> Not only is this bad because of the extra steps, it leads
>> to actual problems with the sound.
>> The problem I had was sound that stopped working after un-pause.
>> Bug which I got the info from:
>> http://trac.videolan.org/vlc/ticket/5043
>> Regards,
>> Jonathan
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