[packman] VLC missing dependency (pulseaudio)

Jonathan Fischer Friberg odyssomay at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 21:25:08 CET 2012


I'm sorry if this has been brought up before. :)

So here's the deal:
VLC (the package 'vlc') is missing the package 'vlc-aout-pulse' as

'vlc-aout-pulse' is pulseaudio audio out for vlc.
Since opensuse uses pulseaudio by default, this is pretty bad.

As I understand it, if 'vlc-aout-pulse' is not present. vlc uses
alsa, which sends the sound to pulseaudio.
Not only is this bad because of the extra steps, it leads
to actual problems with the sound.
The problem I had was sound that stopped working after un-pause.

Bug which I got the info from:


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