[packman] [PMBS] SR 227 Essentials/ffmpeg

Manfred Tremmel manfred at links2linux.de
Tue May 29 23:09:15 CEST 2012

Am Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012, 20:49:51 schrieb Cristian Morales Vega:
> > In the past all libs where included in libffmpeg and later in
> > libffmpeg0.
> The point is that libavcodec54 doesn't obsolete any of them.

Ok, maybe we can remove it complete, then the provides should also 
removed. It's so long ago we had libffmpeg and libffmpeg0, so it 
shouldn't matter.

> >> And the problem is that libavcodec53 provided libffmpeg0. If
> >> libavcodec54 obsoletes libffmpeg0, it obsoletes libavcodec53.
> >> Since> 
> > Right, but even if I remove it, it's impossible to keep
> > libavcodec53, it depends on "libavutil2 = %{version}" like
> > libavcodec54 dose.
> I didn't notice that... Probably a good moment to change it to
> "libavutil2 >= %{version}". It will avoid the problem in the future
> and if ffmpeg guys keep the promise of binary compatibility (no cause
> to thing otherwise) it must work.

I had big problmes in the past between incompatible ffmpeg libs with the 
same so number. And it's realy hard to find such a problems, because I 
don't know the exact version of the lib, the user uses (and even if I 
know, I don't have to reproduce). That's the reason I've added all this 

> > I work on porting the missing packages. Give me a view days.
> No problem.

I've seen, you've fixed some packages, thanks a lot.

Machs gut    | http://www.iivs.de/schwinde/buerger/tremmel/

Manfred      | http://packman.links2linux.de/

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