[packman] xine broken

Neil Darlow neil at darlow.co.uk
Sun Jan 8 11:02:09 CET 2012


On Saturday 07 Jan 2012 20:03:59 Smartysmart34 wrote:
> The whole OBS / Packman issue and the decreasing quality of repos in
> general makes me want to change distros..... Just afraid of the bunch of
> work it causes....

I'm not sure that switching distributions will help there. OBS and other 
community repositories (e.g. Arch's AUR, FreeBSD's ports etc.) will always 
have the potential for quality issues unless a QA process is enforced.

I have always seen Pacman's offerings as very high quality. Packman has some of 
the best volunteer packagers I have come across in any distribution. If I have 
any criticism of Packman it would be that it "Tries too hard!" in that updates 
come frequently but this could also be interpreted as the packagers being very 

Neil Darlow

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