[packman] Packman repo metadata is incomplete

Marc Schiffbauer marc at links2linux.de
Wed Nov 30 01:39:56 CET 2011

* Cristian Morales Vega schrieb am 30.11.11 um 01:02 Uhr:
> On 29 November 2011 23:55, Marc Schiffbauer <marc at links2linux.de> wrote:
> > I'd prefer a complete package where I would extract the python
> > scripts and install them somewhere with a "11.2" suffic and only use
> > that for 11.2 and 11.2 based versions.
> >
> > Comments?
> Not sure I follow you here. Just in case, it is clear that the problem
> is with the metadata of the repositories for EVERY openSUSE version,
> true? Isn't a problem limited to 11.2 but to every version with a RPM
> with support for weak dependencies (and openSUSE has had support for
> weak dependencies since... before I started using it with 10.0). You
> could ask in the OBS mailing list, but my guess is they use the same
> createrepo for everything, including Fedora.

I will check that, thanks. Stay tuned. But I may last a few days.

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