[packman] man-pages-de

Axel Köllhofer AxelKoellhofer at web.de
Sat Jan 22 14:42:05 CET 2011

Am Samstag, 22. Januar 2011, 14:29:29 schrieben Sie:
> Then please remove "Provides: locale(man:de)" from the spec file.
> With this line zypper will install die package automatically on a German
> system.

Ooops, that got overlooked when trying to clean up the spec, thanks.

> And replace the Summary line by:
> "Summary:        Outdated (!!!) LDP Man-Pages (german)"
> Thanks,
> //richard

(Well, except the three ! in order to not get any comments regarding Terry 
Pratchett :-)).


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