[packman] AC3 encoder broken - simply noise

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Thu Apr 14 11:33:26 CEST 2011

Manfred Tremmel <manfred at ...> writes:

> > In the past, there was one AC3 encoder in FFmpeg. It expected int16,
> > and had the name "ac3". Now there are two encoders: One with the
> > name "ac3" expecting floats, and one that's called "ac3_fixed" (the
> > same one as the older one, just with another name) that expects
> > int16. If the (new) "ac3" encoder is fed with ints, it will produce
> > noise.
> Wouldn't it be usefull go keep the "ac3" encoder using int16 and add the 
> new one as "ac3_float" instead of breaking compatiblility with existing 
> programms?

Given that many programs have now changed their code, I am not sure if this is
the best solution (but I do not have a better suggestion).

Carl Eugen

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