[packman] ffmpeg not in monolithic repository

Manfred Tremmel manfred at links2linux.de
Sun Apr 3 20:45:56 CEST 2011

Am Sonntag, 3. April 2011 schrieb Neil Darlow:
> Hi,
> On Sunday 03 Apr 2011 17:32:14 todd rme wrote:
> > Having libav available as an alternative to ffmpeg is a good idea
> > in my opinion (as with mplayer2), but the decision as to which one
> > should be set as the default probably needs a more thought and
> > discussion.  I do know the original recently incorporated
> > multi-threading support, I don't know if labav has this yet or
> > not.
> libav had multithreading support before ffmpeg.
> That was, apparently, one of the issues leading to the fork. The
> ffmpeg lead developer was reluctant to add the feature but was
> forced to do so after libav released with it.

And that's the reason why I've switched from ffmpeg to libav. Libav's 
development seems to be faster then ffmpeg's. This may change, but at 
the moment I think the situation is a little bit like the XFree86 -> 
x.org fork.

Machs gut    | http://www.iivs.de/schwinde/buerger/tremmel/

Manfred      | http://packman.links2linux.de/

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