[packman] [PM] prosody 0.6.1-0.pm.1.1 (openSUSE 11.0/x86_64)

Marcello Ceschia marcello at ceschia.de
Tue Feb 9 11:34:10 CET 2010


I installes prosody from packman on opensuse 11.2 with all dependencies, but when executing prosody i get the errors mentioned below.
How can we fix this?



Prosody was unable to find luaexpat
This package can be obtained in the following ways:

        Source  http://www.keplerproject.org/luaexpat/
        Debian/Ubuntu   sudo apt-get install liblua5.1-expat0
        luarocks        luarocks install luaexpat

luaexpat is required for Prosody to run, so we will now exit.
More help can be found on our website, at http://prosody.im/doc/depends

Prosody was unable to find luasocket
This package can be obtained in the following ways:

        Source  http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~diego/professional/luasocket/
        Debian/Ubuntu   sudo apt-get install liblua5.1-socket2
        luarocks        luarocks install luasocket

luasocket is required for Prosody to run, so we will now exit.
More help can be found on our website, at http://prosody.im/doc/depends

Prosody was unable to find luafilesystem
This package can be obtained in the following ways:

        Source  http://www.keplerproject.org/luafilesystem/
        Debian/Ubuntu   sudo apt-get install liblua5.1-luafilesystem0
        luarocks        luarocks install luafilesystem

luafilesystem is required for Prosody to run, so we will now exit.
More help can be found on our website, at http://prosody.im/doc/depends

Prosody was unable to find LuaSec
This package can be obtained in the following ways:

        Source  http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~brunoos/luasec/
        Debian/Ubuntu   http://prosody.im/download/start#debian_and_ubuntu
        luarocks        luarocks install luasec

SSL/TLS support will not be available
More help can be found on our website, at http://prosody.im/doc/depends

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