[packman] [Thanks] mythtv-0_22 0.22-0.pm.1.1 (openSUSE 11.2/i586)

Petri Asikainen paca at sci.fi
Thu Nov 12 13:57:27 CET 2009

Thanks for this package.

Do you need help for testing/compiling/packaging mythplugins-0.22?
Or other help with opensuse and mythtv? I'm quite busy with my day job,
but if I can help I'll try to find time for this.

I was able to compile mythplugins against your first rpms. Only problem
was that I have to recompile your mythtv-rpm to get mythvideo linking
with /usr/lib/libmythdvdnav-0.22.a

That file in not included your orginal libmyth-0_22-devel-0.22-0.pm.1.1.


Petri Asikainen

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