[packman] [PM] funguloids 1.06-0.pm.13 fails to start game

Cristian Morales Vega cmorve69 at yahoo.es
Fri May 15 14:51:37 CEST 2009


once again funguloids fails ;-) When you select "Start Game" in the
main menu you receive a:
An exception has occured: OGRE
EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Cannot find required template
'BaseOpen3' in ParticleSystemManager::createSystem at
OgreParticleSystemManager.cpp (line 311)Destroying 1 objects..

Now the problem is the Ogre 1.6 upgrade. At
http://www.ogre3d.org/wiki/index.php/ShoggothNotes says "You must
prefix all top-level entries in the script system with the type - e.g.
'particle_system' and 'overlay'". Since the scripts are packaged in he
custom MPAK format...

The fix is available at home:RedDwarf:multimedia/funguloids. There is
a mpak.py extractor that the author gave me and the spec file %prep
section includes a script to unpack, modify the scripts and repack.

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