[packman] ***SPAM*** Re: MPlayer VDPAU

Manfred Tremmel manfred at links2linux.de
Tue Mar 3 21:36:30 CET 2009

Am Montag 02 März 2009 schrieb Pascal Bleser:
> Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
> > MPlayer is planning a release atm.
> > I wanted to explain that it is possible to build the executable
> > with vdpau support without actually linking against a library: Only
> > the header files (vdpau.h and vdpau_x11.h, both BSD licensed) have
> > to be present in /usr/include/vdpau on the building environment,
> > configure autodetects them and the executable tries to load the
> > library dynamically when -vo vdpau is selected.
> Thanks for the hint.
> I just packaged the VDPAU headers by extracting them from nVidia
> driver packages:
> http://packman.links2linux.org/package/nvidia-vdpau-devel

I've just sent ffmpeg to our PMBS, ffmpeg has dumped version to 0.5 
(there are no official releases, there's no 0.5 tarball arround, but 
that's more "release" then we has since many years) in the release 
notes. I'll build it with vdpau support. I hope this will help many 
projects to take profit of hardware encoding speedup.

I'll take a loook at the xine patches to use vdpau next weekend...
Maybe I'll add a 1.2 xine-lib path inside packman (all the patches are 
for the development and not the stable branche of xine-lib).

Machs gut    | http://www.iivs.de/schwinde/buerger/tremmel/

Manfred      | http://packman.links2linux.de/

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