[packman] [PM] synfig 0.61.09-0.pm.0 (openSUSE 11.0/x86_64)

Manfred Tremmel manfred at links2linux.de
Mon Jan 5 20:09:19 CET 2009

Am Montag 05 Januar 2009 schrieb Vugrinec:

> Yesterday I've installed synfig, synfigstudio and the required
> libraries libsynfig0 and libsynfigstudio0.
> The version of the components was
> 0.61.09-0.pm.0 openSUSE 11.0 x86_64 .
> The binaries had a bug so that a circle with outlines wouldn't look
> like a circle.
> (see the picture that I've attached to this mail)
> I've compiled this version of synfig and synfigstudio from
> source along with ETL-0.04.12 and the bug was fixed.
> For me it looks like the package is broken. In the synfig forums it
> was suggested that the binaries could have been compiled with the
> wrong version of the ETL, maybe that helps.

AFIR I've compiled against ETL 0.04.12, but I can't reproduce it.
I'll rebuild the whole package and hope it's fixed then.

Machs gut    | http://www.iivs.de/schwinde/buerger/tremmel/

Manfred      | http://packman.links2linux.de/

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