[packman] Crash: kdenlive-

corax2.05 at gmx.net corax2.05 at gmx.net
Tue Feb 24 17:00:59 CET 2009


the last release kde4-kdenlive- for
openSuse11.0 always chrashes on startup.
the one before ( worked fine.

kdenlive(8360) MainWindow::parseProfiles: RESULTINGÂ MLT PATH:
kdenlive(8360) initEffects::parseEffectFiles: //  INIT EFFECT SEARCH
kdenlive(8360) Render::Render: //////////  USINGÂ PROFILE:  dv_pal
kdenlive(8360) Monitor::Monitor: /////// BUILDING MONITOR, ID:  56623401
kdenlive(8360) Render::Render: //////////  USINGÂ PROFILE:  dv_pal
kdenlive(8360) Monitor::Monitor: /////// BUILDING MONITOR, ID:  56623497
kdenlive(8360) RecMonitor::RecMonitor: /////// BUILDING MONITOR, ID:
QStatusBar::insertPermanentWidget: Index out of range (5), appending widget
QStatusBar::insertPermanentWidget: Index out of range (7), appending widget
Object::connect: No such signal KActionCollection::actionHovered(QAction*)
Object::connect:  (sender name:   'KXMLGUIClient-KActionCollection')
kdenlive(8360) KdenliveDoc::setProfilePath: KDEnnlive document, init
timecode from path:  "dv_pal" ,   25
kdenlive(8360) KdenliveDoc::KdenliveDoc: KDEnnlive document, init
timecode:  25
kdenlive(8360) Render::setSceneList: // NEW SCENE LIST DURATION SET TO:  0
KCrash: Application 'kdenlive' crashing...
Warning: connect() failed: : Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
KCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.
kdenlive: Fatal IO error: client killed

best regards

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