[packman] libxine1/libxine1-codecs problems with conflict dialogs

Martin Schlander martin.schlander at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 21:53:35 CET 2009

Torsdag 05 februar 2009 20:50:23 skrev Manfred Tremmel:
> Am Donnerstag 05 Februar 2009 schrieb Martin Schlander:
> > 1-click installation as well as manual installation of libxine1 and
> > libxine1- codecs on openSUSE 11.1 triggers a conflict dialog these
> > days regarding architecture change from i586 -> i686, or in some
> > cases yast/zypp seems to just keep the official crippled libxine1
> > 1.1.15 without asking as a "solution" to the "problem".
> Simply select the first option displayed and this should be solved.

Yes, that works, no question about that.

> > This makes 1-click multimedia installs pretty useless/scary for n00bs
> > and non- techies, and even manual installation of these crucial
> > packages is a bit tricky for n00bs. I consider this a serious
> > problem.
> I don't think this is a unsolveable problem for someone who managed to
> install linux.

I think you're wrong here. The guy that reported the problem to me has used 
SUSE for a few years, and also dabbles with Debian and Arch on the side. And 
he, like most people seem to do, simply panics at the sight of the conflict 
dialog, thinking the sky is going to fall.

> > While the solver being too damn sensitive is prolly the core reason
> > for this particular problem - I wonder if you guys could fix it
> > somehow - for example by simply dropping i686 versions for the codec
> > stuff. Is there really any good reason to have those at all?
> The i586 architecture don't guaranty there's mmx available, i686 do,
> this makes a recognizeable speed difference. If you think, your
> computer is fast enought, this doesn't matter, it's great for you. But
> if you ever have tried to watch HD-Videos (1080p) on a PentiumM 1,6
> GHz, you will see the difference between (nearly) smoth playback and
> stottering video.

That's a pretty convincing argument ;-)

I've tried to bark at the zypp guys instead

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