[packman] [PM] Miro 2.5.3-4.pm.4.18 (openSUSE 11.2/i586)

Toni toni at links2linux.de
Tue Dec 8 11:01:54 CET 2009

Am Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2009 schrieb Detlef Reichelt:
> Hi,
> @Toni:
> > 2009-12-07 07:13:35,865 INFO     set_renderer: trying to add
> > gstreamerrenderer
> > /usr/bin/python: symbol lookup error:
> > /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/gst-0.10/gst/interfaces.so:
> > undefined symbol: gst_stream_volume_format_get_type
> it seems that python-gstreamer is broken:
> http://www.linux-club.de/viewtopic.php?f=62&p=660307
this thread is non-related t this problem, he/she was missing mp3-support

> http://forums.opensuse.org/applications/425756-exaile-wont-start.html
here are no informations abut installed gstreamer-packages.

I guess as usual a mixture of openSuSE and packman packages.

The symbol gst_stream_volume_format_get_type is not part of the actual packman 

This symbol is found only in /usr/lib/libgstinterfaces-0.10.so.0.18.0

So please provide the out of rpm -qa | grep gst
and check if you have only installed packman packages.

totem and rhythmbox are non packman applications and so they are linked 
against the openSuSE packages. In this case we are lost, as they need the 
openSuSE packages.

> Detlef

have fun

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