[packman] Conflict between hpcups & ghostscript-x11 on openSuSE 10.3

Administrator admin at different-perspectives.com
Mon Aug 31 14:17:50 CEST 2009


I know that openSuSE is old, but I'd be grateful if you could help.

I had ghostscript-x11 installed from the openSuSE updates repository & hpcups 
from your repository.  The recent updates conflict, and the auto-update now 
keeps on trying to uninstall ghostscript-x11 if I have hpcups installed, 
which is not desired behaviour.

I've had to downgrade & lock hplip & taboo hpcups to prevent this problem from 

Could you change the compatibility of hpcups so ghostscript-x11 doesn't keep 
getting uninstalled, or add a version of ghostscript-x11 which is compatible?

Thanks in advance,
D Hodgson
P: 020 71 833 722  M: 07984 069 846  F: 0845 86 75 74 1
E: david at different-perspectives.com

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