[packman] VLC curretly broken

Markus kamikazow at web.de
Sun Sep 21 05:01:39 CEST 2008

Am Sonntag 21 September 2008 01:30:28 schrieb Manfred Tremmel:
> Am Samstag 20 September 2008 schrieb Markus:
> > Hi there.
> > I'd just like to inform you that your VLC release is currently
> > broken. I doesn't play any videos and its icon is also missing.
> Thank you for your detailed bugreport with all the backround
> infromation. Here (OpenSUSE 11.0 x86_64, vlc-0.9.2-0.pm.2 and
> libavformat52- it seems to play everything
> I can find on my HardDisk.

Thank you for your kind reply. Video works now after a new update (ffmpeg and 
a few other libs have been updated), icon is still missing. openSUSE 11.0, 
IA32, KDE 4.1

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