[packman] List of packages without ".pm." in release number.

Christian Morales Vega cmorve69 at yahoo.es
Sat Sep 20 17:10:46 CEST 2008

Not a big problem, but just to note them.
The number of .src.rpm for sure is a lot lower, but on 11.0:
# smart query --show-channels '*' | grep -E '\[(.*, )?packman(,
.*)?\]' | fgrep -v '.pm.' | grep -v '@i.86'
dcatools-0.0.5-3 at x86_64 [packman]
freevo-1.8.2-1 at x86_64 [packman]
iksemel-1.3-0 at x86_64 [packman]
iksemel-debuginfo-1.3-0 at x86_64 [packman]
iksemel-debugsource-1.3-0 at x86_64 [packman]
iksemel-devel-1.3-0 at x86_64 [packman]
kaa-base-0.4.0-3 at x86_64 [packman]
kaa-imlib2-0.2.3-3 at x86_64 [packman]
kaa-metadata-0.7.3-3 at x86_64 [packman]
libdca-devel-0.0.5-3 at x86_64 [packman, rpm-sys]
libdca0-0.0.5-3 at x86_64 [packman, rpm-sys]
libgloox-devel- at x86_64 [packman]
libgloox7- at x86_64 [packman]
libgloox7-debuginfo- at x86_64 [packman]
libgloox7-debugsource- at x86_64 [packman]
libmyth-0.21-15 at x86_64 [packman]
libmyth-devel-0.21-15 at x86_64 [packman]
libssh2-1-0.18-0 at x86_64 [packman]
libssh2-devel-0.18-0 at x86_64 [packman]
metapixel-1.0.2-1 at x86_64 [packman]
mp3blaster-3.2.3-1 at x86_64 [packman]
mytharchive-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythbrowser-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythcontrols-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythflix-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythgallery-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythgame-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythmovies-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythmusic-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythnews-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythphone-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythplugins-debuginfo-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythplugins-debugsource-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythplugins-doc-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
myththemes-0.21-1 at noarch [packman]
mythtv-backend-0.21-15 at x86_64 [packman]
mythtv-debuginfo-0.21-15 at x86_64 [packman]
mythtv-debugsource-0.21-15 at x86_64 [packman]
mythtv-doc-0.21-15 at x86_64 [packman]
mythtv-frontend-0.21-15 at x86_64 [packman]
mythtv-setup-0.21-15 at x86_64 [packman]
mythtv-themes-0.21-15 at x86_64 [packman]
mythtv-transcode-0.21-15 at x86_64 [packman]
mythvideo-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythweather-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythweb-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
mythzoneminder-0.21-14 at x86_64 [packman]
perl-MythTV-0.21-15 at x86_64 [packman]
python-MythTV-0.21-15 at x86_64 [packman]
python-beautifulsoup-3.0.7-1 at x86_64 [packman]
python-lirc-0.0.5-1 at x86_64 [packman]
qtparted-0.4.5-1 at x86_64 [packman]
qtparted-debuginfo-0.4.5-1 at x86_64 [packman]
qtparted-debugsource-0.4.5-1 at x86_64 [packman]
streamripper-1.63.3-1 at x86_64 [packman]
streamtranscoderv3-3.1.11-0.pm1 at x86_64 [packman]
streamtranscoderv3-debuginfo-3.1.11-0.pm1 at x86_64 [packman]
streamtranscoderv3-debugsource-3.1.11-0.pm1 at x86_64 [packman]
usb_modeswitch-0.9.4-1 at x86_64 [packman]
usb_modeswitch-debuginfo-0.9.4-1 at x86_64 [packman]
usb_modeswitch-debugsource-0.9.4-1 at x86_64 [packman]

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