[packman] [PM] vlc 0.9.1-0.pm.2 (openSUSE 11.0/i586)

Lee Matheson lee.matheson at rijira.net
Mon Sep 8 21:33:09 CEST 2008

I discovered a choppy behaviour with the packman packaged vlc (v.0.9.1)
when handling vob and .mpeg files (but not with .avi h264 and xvid that
were used to create the .mpeg and .vob).   By choppy I mean the video
froze for 5 seconds or so, and the sound stopped.  Then it resumed about
5 seconds into the track, missing 5 seconds worth of video. 

Hence on my openSUSE-10.3 32-bit PC, I rolled back my packman version of
vlc from vlc-0.9.1-0.pm.2.i586 29.08.2008 to vlc-0.8.6i-0.pm.2.i586
29.07.2008 and the choppiness went away.  ie The play back with the
older vlc was back to normal.

That leads me to believe this is a problem with the new 0.9.1 vlc.

Please, should I be chasing this up on the vlc site, or passing it to
you the packager?  Some more details follow below ....

Lee (aka oldcpu)

Details of the .mpeg and vob that give problems (choppy audio and video).

oldcpu at stonehenge01:~> file spain2004_ntsc01.mpg
spain2004_ntsc01.mpg: MPEG sequence, v2, program multiplex

and from idvid of same .mpg file:
               File: spain2004_ntsc01.mpg
              Width: 720 pixels
             Height: 480 pixels
       Aspect ratio: 1.33:1
             Frames: 18818
           Duration: 00:10:27 hours/mins/secs
          Framerate: 29.970 frames per second
       Video format: MPEG2
      Video bitrate: 3396000 bits per second
Audio track 1 (Stream 0.1, AID 128):
              Codec: liba52
            Bitrate: 224000 bits per second
      Sampling rate: 48000 Hz

And the vob file:
oldcpu at stonehenge01:~/data/kdenlive/dvd/VIDEO_TS> file VTS_01_1.VOB
VTS_01_1.VOB: MPEG sequence, v2, program multiplex

and idvid output of same VOB file:
               File: VTS_01_1.VOB
              Width: 720 pixels
             Height: 480 pixels
       Aspect ratio: 1.77:1
             Frames: 44669
           Duration: 00:24:50 hours/mins/secs
          Framerate: 29.970 frames per second
       Video format: MPEG2
      Video bitrate: 5400000 bits per second
Audio track 1 (Stream 0.1, AID 128):
              Codec: liba52
            Bitrate: 224000 bits per second
      Sampling rate: 48000 Hz

Some information on my PC:
oldcpu at stonehenge01:~> rpm -q vlc w32codec-all & rpm -qa | grep mpeg
[1] 23909

oldcpu at stonehenge01:~> uname -a
Linux athlon #1 SMP 2008-06-09 13:53:20 +0200 i686
athlon i386 GNU/Linux

oldcpu at stonehenge01:~> kded -v
Qt: 3.3.8
KDE: 3.5.7 "release 72.9"
KDE Daemon: $Id: kded.cpp 634204 2007-02-16 16:12:23Z lunakl $

oldcpu at stonehenge01:~>  cat /etc/SuSE-release
openSUSE 10.3 (i586)
VERSION = 10.3

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