[packman] kdenlive problem for openSUSE 11.0 KDE4?

philben55337 at juno.com philben55337 at juno.com
Wed Oct 1 02:23:56 CEST 2008

I'm using the packman repository for openSUSE 11.0 with a KDE4 installation.  After installing kdenlive with yast it crashes right at startup.  I tried it first in my regular install.  Then I tried it in a VirtualBox with a clean install of openSUSE 11.0 with KDE4 and all the latest updates.  That crashed too.  Also tried starting it from a terminal session but that just hangs with no error messages.
The backtrace information is in the attached kdenlive.kcrash file.  The kdenlivedependencies.jpg file show all the dependencies that that were pulled in when I selected the following packages in yast from packman:
kde4-kdenlive (0.6.0-2404.pm.svn.20080922)
Any help appreciated.  I also tried kdenlive in a VirtualBox clean install with openSUSE 10.3.  That worked ok so it must be something in the mix of packages for openSUSE 11 with KDE4.
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