[packman] httpd problem sovled

Marcus Dandrea dandrea.marcus at gmail.com
Sat Nov 1 19:26:25 CET 2008

I am not sure it this is the right place to send this but if it isn't please
pass it on to whomever can fix the problem

this is where i found the fix


Opensuse 11.0 - / usr / bin / system-config-httpd.sh: line 4: sux: command
not found

    File "/usr/share/system-config-httpd/ApacheBase.py", line 9, in <module>
File / usr / share / system-config-httpd / ApacheBase.py ", line 9, in
    import libxml2 import libxml2

I would like to use httpd but i cannot fix this issue with line 9 because i
do not know how.
if you read that website (translate it first)  it will say how the
programmer put sux instead of sucks..

please fix this

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