[packman] Re: [PM] outlaws 0.1.3b (openSUSE 11.0/noarch)

Toni toni at links2linux.de
Wed Jun 4 20:04:21 CEST 2008

Am Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2008 schrieb Nistor Andrei:
> Hello,
> I have tried to install outlaws from yast and it looks like it depends on
> ode. I have installed libode instead, as there is no package named
> ode other than that one, so I tried downloading the rpm and installing
> manually with the --nodeps option. It worked, but outlaws still fails to
> start with this error:
ok, you are right the libode package was formerly named ode, so this have to 
be corrected. 

> outlaws.sh
> using
> PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/games/outlaws/cs:/usr/share/games/outlaws/cel:/usr/sh
>are/games/outlaws/ioData/scripts Start realpath='' path='/this'
> configname='/this/celstart.cfg'
> DEBUG: Sound System Software Renderer Initializing...
> crystalspace.pluginmgr.loadplugin:
>   could not load plugin 'cel.celconsole'
>   could not load plugin 'cel.physicallayer'
>   could not load plugin 'cel.persistence.classic'
>   could not load plugin 'cel.addons.celentity'
> crystalspace.pluginmgr.loadplugin:
>   failed to initialize plugin 'crystalspace.device.joystick.linux'
> crystalspace.application.celstart:  CEL physical layer missing!
> Thanks for your time, it's been a while since I wanted to try this game
> out and I'm sorry to see it's still not working on x86_64.
it seems you are missing one of those depnedencies:
Requires:		cel >= 1.2
Requires:		CELStart >= 1.2
Requires:		crystalspace >= 1.2
Requires:		python-crystalspace >= 1.2

so please check if you have installed cel and CELStart. I guess not, as you 
have forced the package with --nodeps.

Another possibility to check where the files from cel and CELStart are 
located, if they are in /usr/lib instead of /usr/lib64 thats a possible 
reason that the cel-plugins are not found.

If so check the celstart.cfg file (in /usr/share/games/outlaws) for the wrong 
library path.

have fun

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