[packman] Kim for KDE 4

Raúl Moratalla Guillén raul.moratalla at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 18:57:46 CEST 2008


Thank you for providing a lot of useful packages for openSUSE. I am using the package for Kim (http://bouveyron.free.fr/kim/) and I wonder if you could provide a package of Kim for KDE 4. The authors provide an script to convert the services menu of KDE 3 into the ones for KDE 4: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/download.php?content=11505&id=2&tan=68801144
I used it and works fine, I can use Kim under KDE 4, but I think that will be very useful to a lot of people if you make a package of Kim for KDE 4.

Kind Regards,

Raúl Moratalla

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