[packman] [PM] ardour2 2.5-0.pm.1 (openSUSE 10.3/i586)

Georg Rudolph georg.rudolph at schwaben.de
Sat Jul 12 18:30:52 CEST 2008


trying to compile the source-rpm of ardour2 I get  the attatched 
messages and error message. It was the same with ardour 2.4.1. Do you 
have a solution for this? I'm on openSuse 11.0, with the jengelh 
rt-kernel. I would like to add another osc-command.

I do as root:

    rpmbuild -bc /usr/src/packages/SPEC/ardour2.spec

Anyway, many thanks for supplying the package for openSuse. Your binary 
packages work very nice.
Georg Rudolph

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