[packman] [PM] archmage 0.1.9 (openSUSE 10.2/i586)

Milos Vukotic vukota at fon.bg.ac.yu
Mon Feb 18 04:20:31 CET 2008

It seems that "archmage-0.1.9-0.pm.0.src.rpm" is missing python-chm 
library (which does not exist for OpenSUSE or I can not find similar). 
It looks like (I may be wrong) that it is coming from GnoCHM which is 
another nice package to have (currently not present in PackMan).

I am getting following error:

"Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/archmage", line 45, in <module>
    from archmod.CHM import *
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/archmod/CHM.py", line 19, 
in <module>
    from chm import chmlib
ImportError: No module named chm"

Can you help me with this?

On the side note, I am not sure why the files are installed in 
"/usr/local/" folder. I thought that PackMan is installing files in non 
"local" folders (/usr/lib/, /usr/bin/), which is usually used for custom 
(user) builds.

Thanks a lot.


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