[packman] [PM] vlc 0.9.1-0.pm.0 (openSUSE 11.0/x86_64)

Christian Morales Vega cmorve69 at yahoo.es
Fri Aug 29 16:56:58 CEST 2008

By default it tries to render subtitles with
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerifBold.ttf font, and if
isn't found it defaults to something really bad (part of subtitles
render out of screen!!).
The font is available in freefont package from openSUSE (at least 11.0) but:
- freefont isn't required, recommended or suggested by vlc package
- openSUSE freefont package has the font in
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/FreeSerifBold.ttf instead of

pd. I have always been impressed by how you archieve to have always
the latest versions in no time... but how did you know about vlc 0.9.1
when isn't announced in the homepage and
http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/lastest/ still points to
the old version???

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