[packman] VideoLAN vs Packman

Peter J. P-N nospam at aedon.eu
Mon Apr 14 21:23:15 CEST 2008

Detlef Reichelt schrieb:

> PM:
> a52dec
> VLC:
> a52dec and a52dec-devel

> PM:
> lame
> VLC:
> lame and lame-devel

> PM:
> libdca - libdca-devel dcatools
> VLC:
> libdca - libdca-devel libdts libdts-devel

> PM:
> mad - mad-devel
> VLC:
> libmad - libmad-devel

AFAIK those are not the problem.

The latest packman vlc release is not bad considering that libcaca makes
some trouble and has to be disabled (--disable-caca) for compiling and
that it still doesn't stream xvid over the network. No video, sound
only. :-(

However vlc-0.8.6f-0.pm.1.src.rpm eats a52dec-0.7.5-cvs package with
djbfft enabled w/o any probs and that's cool. :-)

Btw latest videolan vlc binary works well with packmans
ffmpeg-0.4.9-10.pm.svn20080316 and libffmpeg0-0.4.9-10.pm.svn20080316
I haven't tested the current ffmpeg from packman.


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