[packman] Re: MPlayer compilation

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Thu Sep 6 20:08:03 CEST 2007


Chris Arnold <carnold5 at ...> writes:

> OK, i got it working. I used gmplayer -vo x11 <filename> from the CL and
> this played it just like it use to. The question is, how to make it always
> use x11?

Don't. -vo x11 is very slow. Try to find out why configure doesn't activate xv
or gl (less configure.log) and install the missing libraries.
Once fixed, you can add "vo=xv" to ~/.mplayer/config.

Btw, mplayer output always tells you which vo is used.

Carl Eugen

PS: If you have a problem with packmans mplayer, use this mailing list; if you
have a problem with mplayer svn, please use mplayer-users.

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