[packman] [PM] vdrift-full-data 20070323 (openSUSE 10.3/noarch)

Aniruddha aniruddha at orange.nl
Tue Oct 9 01:30:56 CEST 2007


When I try to install vdrift through smart I get the following an error
message. I think this is weird I already have added packman's gnupg key
to smart. Can I trust this package? How can I tell? Thanks in advance!



The above GPG key has been imported successfully.
It is required to install this package:


Do you want to trust this key forever?

You must verify the below fingerprint before answering.
pub   1024D/1DFA8F0C 2004-09-24
      Key fingerprint = 931D 878F 07E5 48CC 5B2B  9F24 FA6D 29CC 1DFA
uid                  oc2pus zuhause (may the source be with you)
<oc2pus at arcor.de>
sub   1024g/315F7863 2004-09-24

If you answer "Yes" all other packages signed with this key will be
installed automatically.

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