[packman] Re: [PM] libsexy 0.1.10 (SuSE 10.1/i586)

Toni toni at links2linux.de
Fri Mar 30 18:58:42 CEST 2007

Am Freitag, 30. März 2007 schrieb Rupert Horstkoetter:
> Hello Toni.
> Today, my zenupdater had shown an update for libsexy from packman website.
> The matter is, i cannot install  libsexy  (0.1.10-0.pm.1)  because yast
> mentioned, that  the notification-daemon  (0.3.4-18)  from openSUSE
> needs  libsexy.so.1, which is not available in your package.
> Now, i don't know what to do?!
> Please help me, i'm afraid of breaking my system.
new package is builded and should be available within the next hours via our 
Try it out and give feedback if it works. thx for spotting out this issue!

you should play lotto on samedy or go to a casino: only a handfull (less than 
10) of those 4000 SuSE-packages needs libsexy.so.1 :)

> Best regards
> Rupert Horstkötter
have fun

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