[packman] Re: New k3b package

Herbert Graeber herbert at links2linux.de
Fri Mar 30 18:52:00 CEST 2007

Am Freitag, 30. März 2007 schrieb Rainer Lay:
> Next try.
> I am now planning to release the main package too.
> The plugins are included in the codecs subpackage.
> And I successfully decoded mp3.
> But how can I test the mp3 encoding feature?
> Again, feedback is welcome.

Put a Audio-CD into a CD-Drive and select "Extras / AudioCD auslesen" in 
german version. THen a Dialog opens where you cann selcect the audio format.

Additionally, when inserting an Audio-CD a KDE Dialog pop up, thet allows to 
selct what to do with the CD, here you can select reading with K3b, too.

And you should have a look intot K3Bs settings there it is possible to have a 
look into the list of installed modules.


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