[packman] Re: [PM] xine-lib 1.1.7 (openSUSE 10.3/x86_64)

Bernhard Walle bernhard at links2linux.de
Tue Jul 31 22:10:58 CEST 2007

* Manfred Tremmel <manfred at links2linux.de> [2007-07-31 21:36]:
> Am Dienstag, 31. Juli 2007 14:23 schrieb William Pfeffer:
> > fyi
> > there are no rpm's available that provide the following dependencies
> Sorry, I didn't compile any 10.3 packages. It's to early, I think.

Starting with Beta 1 should be ok since there will be no version
updates of non-leaf packages any more. 10.3 will have only one RC, so
it might make sense to start a bit earlier as RC-phase to have all
packages ready when 10.3 gets released.

However, it’s the decision of each packager how to handle this.


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