[packman] Re: PM: swfdec-0.4.5 ; openSUSE 10.2

Toni toni at links2linux.de
Fri Jul 13 18:50:50 CEST 2007

Am Freitag, 13. Juli 2007 schrieb Rafal Milecki:
> It is not possible to use swfdec (Flash plugin) provided by Packman
> because it crashes on every site with Flash animation embeded.
> According to author of plugin it is because of packager's mistake:
> http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10862
how did you install this package ?

normally the installation process should also install the package:
libswfdec-gtk2_2 and this package contains the lib you're missing

rpm -qlp --provides /local/y2pmbuild/10.2-i386/i586/libswfdec-gtk2_2-0.4.5-0.pm.1.i586.rpm
libswfdec-gtk2_2 = 0.4.5-0.pm.1

> Could someone check this? Toni?

> P.S.
> Could you add my e-mail as CC please?

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