[packman] Re: extace

Jörg Kositza profjoerg at yahoo.de
Mon Jan 8 14:21:27 CET 2007

packman at links2linux.de

Hallo Leon Hallo Mathias,

bleibt die Frage übrig warum extace-alsa nicht funktioniert.
$ rpm -qip extace-alsa-1.7.3-1.i586.rpm
ergibt folgendes:
eXtace is a visual sound display/analysis program for the Gnome Desktop
environment (though it works under other environments as long as gnome/esd
or ALSA is installed and used). Requires ESD or ALSA to function. Includes
various fourier transforms of the audio data in real-time. Displays include
3D textured flying landscape, 16-256 channel graphic EQ, scope 3D pointed
flying landscape, and a Spectragram. All aspects of the display are fully
configurable, even the axis placement.
This version is for users who use ALSA.

Ich habe den Autor von extace angeschrieben,er hat mir folgendes
Von: "David J. Andruczyk" <djandruczyk at yahoo.com>
An: "Jörg Kositza" ...
Betreff: Re: extace-alsa
Datum: Sonntag, 9. Juli 2006 20:26

The problem is ALSA support is no longer functional.  the ALSA team
removed ALSA-loopback capability way back in the 0.5 release and it's
not present in the 0.9thru 1.0.x releases

eXtace only supports visualizing data running through esound at
present.  That package (extace-alsa-1.7.3-1.i586.rpm) was NOT made by
me. Current versions of eXtace are at version 1.9.4, and only esound
input is available.  I have repeatedly requested to the ALSA team that
they re-implement loopback and or stream monitoring in order to re-add
ASLA support to no avail.



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