[packman] possible remake 3.80_0.62 tarball name change

Rocky Bernstein rocky.bernstein at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 16:10:45 CET 2007

Hi -

First thanks for picking up and packaging remake. I really appreciate it.

 I've been working with Yaroslav Halchenko who has agreed to package this on

One thing Yaroslav noted  for Debian naming is the double dash in the
tarball name. The last tarball was called remake-3.80+dbg-0.61.tar.gz. In
CVS right now I've made a change to remove the dash so the next tarball
would be called remake-3.80+dbg0.62.tar.gz . But before I make such a change
I wanted to check with you to make sure it doesn't complicate things for
SuSE packaging. If it does, Yaroslav says there's no problem with leaving
things the way it is now.

Thanks, and thanks again for packaging remake for SuSE.

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