[packman] Re: [Jackit-devel] jackdmp: unknown driver 'portaudio'

Stéphane Letz letz at grame.fr
Tue Feb 20 14:42:57 CET 2007

Le 20 févr. 07 à 14:22, Norbert Schmidt a écrit :

> On Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 12:32:26PM +0100, Stéphane Letz wrote:
>>> the scripts included:
>>> postinstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
>>> (
>>> cd /usr/lib
>>> [ -f libjack.so.0.0.23 ] && \
>>>        /bin/mv -f libjack.so.0.0.23 tmp_libjack.so.0.0.23 && \
>>>        echo "original jack saved as tmp_libjack.so.0.0.23" || :
>>> /bin/rm -f libjack.so*
>>> ln -s libjackdmp.so libjack.so.0
>>> )
>>> /sbin/ldconfig
>> OK, i see the problem.
>> the postinstall script is just wrong: it should symlink libjack.so.0
>> to libjackmp.so (NOT libjackdmp.so which is the *server*  shared lib
>> used by the jackdmp and alsa, dummy backend)
>> Who did this rpm package?
> toni at links2linux.de (I do not know the real name, but he stays  
> tuned here)
>>> postuninstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
>>> (
>>> cd /usr/lib
>>> /bin/rm -f libjack.so*
>>> [ -f tmp_libjack.so.0.0.23 ] && \
>>>        /bin/mv -f tmp_libjack.so.0.0.23 libjack.so.0.0.23 && \
>>>        ln -s libjack.so.0.0.23 libjack.so.0 && \
>>>        ln -s libjack.so.0.0.23 libjack.so && \
>>>        echo "original jack restored" || echo "jack not restored"
>>> )
>>> /sbin/ldconfig
>>> so now we have:
>>> /usr/lib # ls -l /usr/lib/libjack*
>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 320960 18. Feb 11:45 /usr/lib/libjackdmp.so
>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 217192 18. Feb 11:45 /usr/lib/libjackmp.so
>>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     13 20. Feb 08:28 /usr/lib/libjack.so.0 -
>>>> libjackdmp.so
>> Then the symlink is wrong here.
> changed it and everything works fine.

> merci
> Norbert

De rien !


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