[packman] faad2 2.5 (SuSE 10.1/i586) and libffmpeg0-0.4.9-8.pm.svn20070217.i686 rpm packages

marc viguier marcviguier at free.fr
Sun Feb 18 13:24:57 CET 2007


This morning, I have loaded and installed faad2-2.5-0.pm.3.i586 and
libffmpeg0-0.4.9-8.pm.svn20070217.i686 rpm packages.  Unfortunately,
either VLC Media Player cannot load anymore MP4 video files, or this
remains possible but the CPU is at 100%.

How can I come back to the previous release of these packages ?


Messages sent by vlc when loading ed_home.avi file

main debug: CPU has capabilities 486 586 MMX 3DNow! MMXEXT SSE SSE2 FPU 
main debug: looking for memcpy module: 4 candidates
main debug: using memcpy module "memcpymmxext"
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 3081849760 (playlist) created at priority 0
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 3073457056 (preparser) created at priority 0
main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
main debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
main debug: thread 3065064352 (interface) created at priority 0
main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
main debug: using interface module "screensaver"
main debug: thread 3056671648 (interface) created at priority 0
main debug: adding playlist item
`/home/marc/ed_home.avi' ( /home/marc/ed_home.avi )
main debug: looking for interface module: 5 candidates
main debug: using interface module "wxwidgets"
main debug: thread 3029461920 (manager) created at priority 0
wxwidgets debug: Using last windows config
wxwidgets debug: id=0 p=(502,305) s=(473,86)
wxwidgets debug: id=2 p=(0,0) s=(410,560)
wxwidgets debug: id=6 p=(0,0) s=(-1,150)
main debug: nothing requested, starting
main debug: creating new input thread
main warning: couldn't set thread priority (input/input.c:265):
Opération non permise
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 2987371424 (input) created at priority 0
main debug: creating statistics handler
main debug: `/home/marc/ed_home.avi' gives access `' demux `' path
main debug: creating demux: access='' demux=''
main debug: looking for access_demux module: 2 candidates
main debug: creating access '' path='/home/marc/ed_home.avi'
main debug: looking for access2 module: 6 candidates
vcd debug: trying .cue file: /home/marc/ed_home.cue
vcd debug: could not find .cue file
access_file debug: opening file `/home/marc/ed_home.avi'
main debug: using access2 module "access_file"
main debug: pre-buffering...
main debug: received first data for our buffer
main debug: pre-buffering done 1408981 bytes in 0s - 269004 kbytes/s
main debug: creating demux: access='' demux=''
main debug: looking for demux2 module: 45 candidates
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:46464952 (RIFF) size:152443618 pos:0
avi debug: found LIST chunk: 'AVI '
avi debug: <list 'AVI '>
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:5453494c (LIST) size:8830 pos:12
avi debug: found LIST chunk: 'hdrl'
avi debug: <list 'hdrl'>
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:68697661 (avih) size:56 pos:24
avi debug: avih: streams:2 flags: HAS_INDEX IS_INTERLEAVED 720x404
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:5453494c (LIST) size:4244 pos:88
avi debug: found LIST chunk: 'strl'
avi debug: <list 'strl'>
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:68727473 (strh) size:56 pos:100
avi debug: strh: type:vids handler:0x78766964 samplesize:0 24.00fps
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:66727473 (strf) size:40 pos:164
avi debug: strf: video:DX50 720x404 planes:1 24bpp
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:4b4e554a (JUNK) size:4120 pos:212
avi debug: </list 'strl'>
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:5453494c (LIST) size:4234 pos:4340
avi debug: found LIST chunk: 'strl'
avi debug: <list 'strl'>
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:68727473 (strh) size:56 pos:4352
avi debug: strh: type:auds handler:0x00000000 samplesize:1 24000.00fps
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:66727473 (strf) size:30 pos:4416
avi debug: strf: audio:0x0055 channels:2 44100Hz 0bits/sample 187kb/s
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:4b4e554a (JUNK) size:4120 pos:4454
avi debug: </list 'strl'>
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:5453494c (LIST) size:260 pos:8582
avi debug: found LIST chunk: 'odml'
avi debug: <list 'odml'>
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:686c6d64 (dmlh) size:248 pos:8594
avi warning: unknown chunk (not loaded)
avi debug: </list 'odml'>
avi debug: </list 'hdrl'>
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:4b4e554a (JUNK) size:1382 pos:8850
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:5453494c (LIST) size:151931226 pos:10240
avi debug: skipping movi chunk
avi debug: found Chunk fourcc:31786469 (idx1) size:502144 pos:151941474
avi debug: idx1: index entry:31384
avi debug: </list 'AVI '>
avi debug: * LIST-root size:152443626 pos:0
avi debug:      + RIFF-AVI  size:152443618 pos:0
avi debug:      |    + LIST-hdrl size:8830 pos:12
avi debug:      |    |    + avih size:56 pos:24
avi debug:      |    |    + LIST-strl size:4244 pos:88
avi debug:      |    |    |    + strh size:56 pos:100
avi debug:      |    |    |    + strf size:40 pos:164
avi debug:      |    |    |    + JUNK size:4120 pos:212
avi debug:      |    |    + LIST-strl size:4234 pos:4340
avi debug:      |    |    |    + strh size:56 pos:4352
avi debug:      |    |    |    + strf size:30 pos:4416
avi debug:      |    |    |    + JUNK size:4120 pos:4454
avi debug:      |    |    + LIST-odml size:260 pos:8582
avi debug:      |    |    |    + dmlh size:248 pos:8594
avi debug:      |    + JUNK size:1382 pos:8850
avi debug:      |    + LIST-movi size:151931226 pos:10240
avi debug:      |    + idx1 size:502144 pos:151941474
avi debug: AVIH: 2 stream, flags  HAS_INDEX IS_INTERLEAVED 
avi debug: stream[0] rate:24000 scale:1000 samplesize:0
avi debug: stream[0] video(DX50) 720x404 24bpp 24.000000fps
main debug: selecting program id=0
avi debug: stream[1] rate:24000 scale:1 samplesize:1
avi debug: stream[1] audio(0x55) 2 channels 44100Hz 0bits
avi debug: stream[0] created 15691 index entries
avi debug: stream[1] created 15693 index entries
avi debug: stream[0] length:653 (based on index)
avi debug: stream[1] length:653 (based on index)
main debug: using demux2 module "avi"
main debug: looking for a subtitle file in /home/marc/
main debug: looking for decoder module: 25 candidates
main warning: cannot load module
`/usr/lib/vlc/codec/libffmpeg_plugin.so' (/usr/lib/vlc/codec/libffmpeg_plugin.so: undefined symbol: img_resample_init)
main error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `DX50'.
VLC probably does not support this sound or video format.
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `DX50', 0 PES in FIFO
main debug: looking for decoder module: 25 candidates
main debug: using decoder module "mpeg_audio"
main warning: couldn't set thread priority (input/decoder.c:159):
Opération non permise
main debug: thread 2962074528 (decoder) created at priority 0
main debug: meta information:
main debug:   - 'Paramètre' = ' HAS_INDEX IS_INTERLEAVED'
main debug: `/home/marc/ed_home.avi' successfully opened
mpeg_audio debug: MPGA channels:2 samplerate:44100 bitrate:192
main debug: no aout present, spawning one
main debug: looking for audio output module: 7 candidates
alsa debug: opening ALSA device `default'
main warning: couldn't set thread priority (alsa.c:662): Opération non
main debug: thread 2953616288 (aout) created at priority 0 (alsa.c:662)
main debug: using audio output module "alsa"
main debug: output 'fl32' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/8 bytes
main debug: mixer 'fl32' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/8 bytes
main debug: no need for any filter
main debug: looking for audio mixer module: 3 candidates
main debug: using audio mixer module "float32_mixer"
main debug: input 'mpga' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1152 samples/1053 bytes
main debug: filter(s) 'mpga'->'fl32' 44100 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates
main debug: using audio filter module "mpgatofixed32"
main debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
main debug: filter(s) 'fl32'->'fl32' 48510 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates
main debug: using audio filter module "bandlimited_resampler"
main debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
alsa debug: recovered from buffer underrun
main debug: audio output is too slow (40295), trashing 23220us

Messages sent by vlc when loading  fantastic4silversurfer-tlr1_h720p.mov

main debug: CPU has capabilities 486 586 MMX 3DNow! MMXEXT SSE SSE2 FPU 
main debug: looking for memcpy module: 4 candidates
main debug: using memcpy module "memcpymmxext"
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 3081214880 (playlist) created at priority 0
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 3072822176 (preparser) created at priority 0
main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
main debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
main debug: thread 3064429472 (interface) created at priority 0
main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
main debug: using interface module "screensaver"
main debug: thread 3056036768 (interface) created at priority 0
main debug: adding playlist item
`/home/marc/fantastic4silversurfer-tlr1_h720p.mov' ( /home/marc/fantastic4silversurfer-tlr1_h720p.mov )
main debug: looking for interface module: 5 candidates
main debug: using interface module "wxwidgets"
main debug: thread 3028827040 (manager) created at priority 0
wxwidgets debug: Using last windows config
wxwidgets debug: id=0 p=(502,305) s=(473,86)
wxwidgets debug: id=2 p=(0,0) s=(410,560)
wxwidgets debug: id=6 p=(0,0) s=(-1,150)
main debug: nothing requested, starting
main debug: creating new input thread
main warning: couldn't set thread priority (input/input.c:265):
Opération non permise
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 2986736544 (input) created at priority 0
main debug: creating statistics handler
main debug: `/home/marc/fantastic4silversurfer-tlr1_h720p.mov' gives
access `' demux `' path
main debug: creating demux: access='' demux=''
main debug: looking for access_demux module: 2 candidates
main debug: creating access ''
main debug: looking for access2 module: 6 candidates
vcd debug: trying .cue
file: /home/marc/fantastic4silversurfer-tlr1_h720p.cue
vcd debug: could not find .cue file
access_file debug: opening file
main debug: using access2 module "access_file"
main debug: pre-buffering...
main debug: received first data for our buffer
main debug: pre-buffering done 1408981 bytes in 0s - 31715 kbytes/s
main debug: creating demux: access='' demux=''
main debug: looking for demux2 module: 45 candidates
mp4 debug: found Box: ftyp size 32
mp4 debug: found Box: moov size 68124
mp4 debug: found Box: mvhd size 108
mp4 debug: read box: "mvhd" creation 732588d-32h:43m:54s modification
732588d-32h:44m:03s time scale 2997 duration 694977d-48h:00m:04s rate
1.000000 volume 0.988281 next track id 4
mp4 debug: found Box: trak size 38227
mp4 debug: found Box: tkhd size 92
mp4 debug: read box: "tkhd" creation 732588d-31h:36m:16s modification
732588d-32h:44m:03s duration 2035087761d-50h:13m:20s track ID 1 layer 0
volume 0.000000 width 1280.000000 height 544.000000
mp4 debug: found Box: edts size 36
mp4 debug: found Box: elst size 28
mp4 debug: read box: "elst" entry-count 0
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: mdia size 38079
mp4 debug: found Box: mdhd size 32
mp4 debug: read box: "mdhd" creation 732588d-32h:43m:54s modification
732588d-32h:44m:03s time scale 2997 duration 694980d-11h:22m:05s
language ```
mp4 debug: found Box: hdlr size 58
mp4 debug: read box: "hdlr" handler type vide name Apple Video Media
mp4 debug: found Box: minf size 37981
mp4 debug: found Box: vmhd size 20
mp4 debug: read box: "vmhd" graphics-mode 64 opcolor (-32768, -32768,
mp4 debug: found Box: hdlr size 57
mp4 debug: read box: "hdlr" handler type alis name Apple Alias Data
mp4 debug: found Box: dinf size 36
mp4 debug: found Box: dref size 28
mp4 debug: found Box: alis size 12
mp4 warning: unknown box type alis (uncompletetly loaded)
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: read box: "dref" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: stbl size 37860
mp4 debug: found Box: stsd size 167
mp4 debug: found Box: avc1 size 151
mp4 debug: found Box: avcC size 43
mp4 debug: read box: "avcC" version=1 profile=0x4d level=0x1f length
size=4 sps=1 pps=1
mp4 debug:          - sps[0] length=20
mp4 debug:          - pps[0] length=4
mp4 debug: found Box: colr size 18
mp4 warning: unknown box type colr (uncompletetly loaded)
mp4 debug: found an empty box (null size)
mp4 debug: read box: "vide" in stsd 1280x544 depth 24
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: read box: "stsd" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: stts size 24
mp4 debug: read box: "stts" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: ctts size 18864
mp4 debug: read box: "ctts" entry-count 2356
mp4 debug: found Box: cslg size 32
mp4 warning: unknown box type cslg (uncompletetly loaded)
mp4 debug: found Box: stss size 256
mp4 debug: read box: "stss" entry-count 60
mp4 debug: found Box: stps size 24
mp4 warning: unknown box type stps (uncompletetly loaded)
mp4 debug: found Box: sdtp size 2413
mp4 warning: unknown box type sdtp (uncompletetly loaded)
mp4 debug: found Box: stsc size 4828
mp4 debug: read box: "stsc" entry-count 401
mp4 debug: found Box: stsz size 9624
mp4 debug: read box: "stsz" sample-size 0 sample-count 2401
mp4 debug: found Box: stco size 1620
mp4 debug: read box: "co64" entry-count 401
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: udta size 12
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: trak size 28970
mp4 debug: found Box: tkhd size 92
mp4 debug: read box: "tkhd" creation 732588d-31h:36m:19s modification
732588d-32h:44m:03s duration 2035087761d-50h:13m:20s track ID 2 layer 0
volume 1.500000 width 0.000000 height 0.000000
mp4 debug: found Box: edts size 36
mp4 debug: found Box: elst size 28
mp4 debug: read box: "elst" entry-count 0
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: mdia size 28822
mp4 debug: found Box: mdhd size 32
mp4 debug: read box: "mdhd" creation 732588d-32h:43m:54s modification
732588d-32h:43m:54s time scale 48000 duration 695032d-03h:28m:00s
language ```
mp4 debug: found Box: hdlr size 58
mp4 debug: read box: "hdlr" handler type soun name Apple Sound Media
mp4 debug: found Box: minf size 28724
mp4 debug: found Box: smhd size 16
mp4 debug: read box: "smhd" balance 0.000000
mp4 debug: found Box: hdlr size 57
mp4 debug: read box: "hdlr" handler type alis name Apple Alias Data
mp4 debug: found Box: dinf size 36
mp4 debug: found Box: dref size 28
mp4 debug: found Box: alis size 12
mp4 warning: unknown box type alis (uncompletetly loaded)
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: read box: "dref" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: stbl size 28607
mp4 debug: found Box: stsd size 223
mp4 debug: found Box: mp4a size 207
mp4 debug: read box: -0.000000 Hz
mp4 debug: read box: "soun" V2
mp4 debug: found Box: wave size 91
mp4 debug: found Box: frma size 12
mp4 warning: unknown box type frma (uncompletetly loaded)
mp4 debug: found Box: mp4a size 12
mp4 warning: Not enough data
mp4 debug: found Box: esds size 51
mp4 debug: found esds MPEG4ESDescr (34Bytes)
mp4 debug: found esds MP4DecConfigDescr (20Bytes)
mp4 debug: found esds MP4DecSpecificDescr (2Bytes)
mp4 debug: found Box:      size 8
mp4 warning: unknown box type      (uncompletetly loaded)
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: chan size 44
mp4 warning: unknown box type chan (uncompletetly loaded)
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: read box: "soun" in stsd channel 6 sample size 16 sample rate
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: read box: "stsd" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: stts size 24
mp4 debug: read box: "stts" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: stsc size 7156
mp4 debug: read box: "stsc" entry-count 595
mp4 debug: found Box: stsz size 18800
mp4 debug: read box: "stsz" sample-size 0 sample-count 4695
mp4 debug: found Box: stco size 2396
mp4 debug: read box: "co64" entry-count 595
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: udta size 12
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: trak size 596
mp4 debug: found Box: tkhd size 92
mp4 debug: read box: "tkhd" creation 732588d-31h:45m:23s modification
732588d-32h:44m:03s duration 2035087761d-50h:13m:20s track ID 3 layer 0
volume 0.000000 width 1280.000000 height 20.000000
mp4 debug: found Box: edts size 36
mp4 debug: found Box: elst size 28
mp4 debug: read box: "elst" entry-count 0
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: mdia size 448
mp4 debug: found Box: mdhd size 32
mp4 debug: read box: "mdhd" creation 732588d-32h:43m:54s modification
732588d-32h:43m:54s time scale 2997 duration 694980d-11h:22m:05s
language ```
mp4 debug: found Box: hdlr size 56
mp4 debug: read box: "hdlr" handler type tmcd name Time Code Media
mp4 debug: found Box: minf size 352
mp4 debug: found Box: gmhd size 86
mp4 debug: found Box: gmin size 24
mp4 warning: unknown box type gmin (uncompletetly loaded)
mp4 debug: found Box: tmcd size 54
mp4 warning: unknown box type tmcd (uncompletetly loaded)
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: hdlr size 57
mp4 debug: read box: "hdlr" handler type alis name Apple Alias Data
mp4 debug: found Box: dinf size 36
mp4 debug: found Box: dref size 28
mp4 debug: found Box: alis size 12
mp4 warning: unknown box type alis (uncompletetly loaded)
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: read box: "dref" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: stbl size 165
mp4 debug: found Box: stsd size 65
mp4 debug: found Box: tmcd size 49
mp4 warning: unknown handler type in stsd (uncompletetly loaded)
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: read box: "stsd" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: stts size 24
mp4 debug: read box: "stts" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: stsc size 28
mp4 debug: read box: "stsc" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: stsz size 20
mp4 debug: read box: "stsz" sample-size 4 sample-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: stco size 20
mp4 debug: read box: "co64" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: udta size 12
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: udta size 215
mp4 debug: found Box: WLOC size 12
mp4 warning: unknown box type WLOC (uncompletetly loaded)
mp4 debug: found an empty box (null size)
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: found Box: free size 24
mp4 debug: skip box: "free"
mp4 debug: found Box: wide size 8
mp4 debug: skip box: "wide"
mp4 debug: found Box: mdat size 72236705
mp4 debug: skip box: "mdat"
mp4 debug: out of bound child
mp4 debug: dumping root Box "root"
mp4 debug: |    + ftyp size 32
mp4 debug: |    + moov size 68124
mp4 debug: |    |    + mvhd size 108
mp4 debug: |    |    + trak size 38227
mp4 debug: |    |    |    + tkhd size 92
mp4 debug: |    |    |    + edts size 36
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    + elst size 28
mp4 debug: |    |    |    + mdia size 38079
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    + mdhd size 32
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    + hdlr size 58
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    + minf size 37981
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    + vmhd size 20
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    + hdlr size 57
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    + dinf size 36
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    |    + dref size 28
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    |    |    + alis size 12
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    + stbl size 37860
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    |    + stsd size 167
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    |    |    + avc1 size 151
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    + avcC size 43
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    + colr size 18
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    |    + stts size 24
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    |    + ctts size 18864
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    |    + cslg size 32
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    |    + stss size 256
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    |    + stps size 24
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    |    + sdtp size 2413
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    |    + stsc size 4828
mp4 debug: |    |    |    |    |    |    + stsz size 9624
message warning: message queue overflowed

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