[packman] conflicting files

superniemand at gmx.de superniemand at gmx.de
Sat Dec 22 22:42:20 CET 2007


when updating my openSuSE 10.2 (arch i386) System I get the following error using smart: 
file /usr/lib/libmtp.so.7 from install of libmtp7-0.2.4-0.pm.3 conflicts with file from package libmtp-0.2.3-0.pm.3
file /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty/10-usb-music-players-libmtp.fdi from install of libmtp7-0.2.4-0.pm.3 conflicts with file from package libmtp-0.2.3-0.pm.3


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