[packman] Probleme mit GPG-Key von Andreas Schneider

Manfred Tremmel manfred at links2linux.de
Wed Sep 27 20:02:22 CEST 2006

Am Dienstag, 26. September 2006 17:00 schrieb Joachim Schrod:
> That file /usr/lib/rpm/gnupg/packman-andsch.asc is from the package
> rpmkey-packman-0.3.2-0.pm.1.
> I don't know exactly how the integration of this package into the apt
> framework works, but I suspect that the first line in the file is not
> correct. The line is
>     RPMDB_NAME = gpg-pubkey-f33e3fc6-43fde72f
> But Andreas' packman key is actually listed as
> gpg-pubkey-f4500075-43fde72f after an rpm --import. So maybe one
> should update this line and re-release the rpmkeys package?

I've just tried, but it looks ok here:

marvin2:/home/manfred # rpm -e --allmatches gpg-pubkey-f33e3fc6-43fde72f
marvin2:/home/manfred # 
rpm --import /media/usbplatte/packmanbuild/rpmkey/packman-andsch.asc
marvin2:/home/manfred # rpm -qa gpg-pubkey* | grep 43fde72f

Looks like the RPMDB_NAME enty is correct.
I think the problem is the packman-andsch_alt.asc. I've added the same 
RPMDB_NAME entry, but that's wrong, must be 
gpg-pubkey-f33e3fc6-443ed5fc (I would not have included a _alt version, 
when it would be the same).

I'll build a new version.

> PS: What's the preferred language on this mailing list?
> English or German?

Both. Most packagers speak German, but not all, so sometimes it's usfull 
to ask in English.

PS: Sorry for the late reaction, I was in vienna yesterday and it was to
    late to read my mails after coming home.

Machs gut    | http://www.iivs.de/schwinde/buerger/tremmel/

Manfred      | http://packman.links2linux.de/

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