[packman] error with smart update

K. S. einheit at mainphrame.com
Sat Sep 2 20:01:14 CEST 2006

I'm seeing this error, or similar, every time I try to run "smart update" -

what to do? (smart-0.42-11.guru.suse100)

----session output follows----

Do you want to trust this key forever?

You must verify the below fingerprint before answering.
pub   1024D/58857177 2002-09-27
      Key fingerprint = E02F 0C4A CE1A 27C3 D082  C8EE AF73 4C5A 5885 7177
uid                  Pascal Bleser <pascal.bleser at skynet.be>
uid                  Pascal Bleser (FOSDEM) <loki at fosdem.org>
uid                  Pascal Bleser <pascal.bleser at atosorigin.com>
uid                  Pascal Bleser (RPM signing key) <guru at unixtech.be>
sub   1024g/102BCED4 2002-09-27

If you answer "Yes" all other packages signed with this key will be installed
automatically. (y/N): y

error: iptraf-3.0.0-1.guru.suse100.i686.rpm: public key not available

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