[packman] Re: Cinelerra x86_64 RPM

Leon Freitag leon at links2linux.de
Fri Oct 27 18:31:51 CEST 2006

>   First off, thank you so much for dedicating your time towards the
> development of the new RPM.  
First of all, it's Detlef who built the 64bit RPM, so thank him.
> If it wasn't for the packagers, many of us 
> end-users wouldn't have much to work with.
>   I thought this might be interesting to you.
>   I downloaded and installed, the RPM and had no dependency problems
> whatsoever.  I then tried to launch from Kmenu, but the program wouldn't
> launch.
>  Then I decided to use Konsole and the following error messages appeared.
>   MWindow::init_plugins: couldn't open /usr/lib/cinelerra directory
>   MWindow::init_theme: theme S.U.V. not found

The problem is that the plugins are installed in /usr/lib64/cinelerra on 
64bit, and cinelerra doesn't know about that. I think that'll be easy to fix.
>   I checked all dependencies over and over, I believe I have all the
> requirements, I have been desperately trying to compile Cinelerra for 64bit
> since you mentioned OpenGL was a factor and that maybe disabling it would
> help.
Detlef disabled OpenGL for 64bit... I couldn't convince him to use my chroot 
hacks with the nvidia driver :)

I don't have an internet connection at my new home yet now so I may check my 
email only twice or three times a week, so don't expect me to reply quickly.

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