[packman] Missing dependency for soundconverter (SUSE 10.0)

Joachim Schrod jschrod at acm.org
Wed Nov 8 00:41:33 CET 2006

>>>>> "t" == toni  <toni at links2linux.de> writes:

>> But there's a dependency in soundconverter-0.8.8-0.pm.1 to
>> python-gstreamer that is not available on packman.
>> Maybe somebody has that package already and can upload it?
t> No, unfortunately not. The gstreamer-packages are to old on SuSE <= 10 to 
t> rebuild them for packman.

t> You can get the missing dependencies from here:
t> http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/SuSE/10.0-i386/RPMS.gnome/

Thank you for this pointer, I didn't realize that it might be there. 

I did not include the SUSE gnome supplementary distribution in my apt
sources.list, as I didn't want to have the newest GNOME stuff in all
cases, but for selected installs it's great to remember this bookmark.


Joachim Schrod				Email: jschrod at acm.org
Roedermark, Germany

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