[packman] Broken dependencies in "perl-clearsilver" and "ruby-clearsilver"

Herbert Graeber herbert at graeber-clan.de
Mon May 8 20:46:35 CEST 2006

Hi Flavio!

Am Montag, 8. Mai 2006 12:06 schrieb Flávio Moringa:
> just to warn you that the packages "perl-clearsilver" and
> "ruby-clearsilver" have broken dependencies:
> perl-clearsilver (= 0.10.3-0.pm.0): FAILED
> The following constraints cannot be satisfied:
>   perl-clearsilver (= 0.10.3-0.pm.0) depends on clearsilver (=
> ${version}) {NOT AVAILABLE}
> ruby-clearsilver (= 0.10.3-0.pm.0): FAILED
> The following constraints cannot be satisfied:
>   ruby-clearsilver (= 0.10.3-0.pm.0) depends on clearsilver (=
> ${version}) {NOT AVAILABLE}
> It seems they need "clearsilver= ${version}"... so the version variable
> doesn't apear to be correctly initialized in the spec file.

I see, it must be %{version} instead of ${version}.

> This for the SUSE 10.1 versions...

And the others, too. I am using one common spec file for all distributions.

> Hope it helps

Yes it does. I will correct this ASAP.


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