[packman] catch 22

Manfred Tremmel manfred at links2linux.de
Tue Mar 21 21:16:14 CET 2006

Am Dienstag, 21. März 2006 00:08 schrieb Peter Czanik:

> - no SRPM-s are included form imlib2: solved by using from 9.3

It's in there now.

> - a bit more interesting is a catch 22:
> linux:/usr/src/packages/SPECS # rpmbuild -ba libxine1.spec
> error: Failed build dependencies:
>         libstk-devel is needed by libxine1-1.1.1-0.pm.2
>         libstk is needed by libxine1-1.1.1-0.pm.2
> linux:/usr/src/packages/SPECS # rpmbuild -ba libstk.spec
> error: Failed build dependencies:
>         libxine1-devel is needed by libstk-0.2cvs20051214-0.pm.0
> I guess, libxine1 is included in libstk spec files just by error, but
> I better ask...

It's no error. libxine includes a video-output-plugin which uses the 
libstk and libstk uses libxine for video playback. For libstk it's 
fundamental to use the libxine, but for libxine it's optional to build 
the plugin or not.

Remove the Requires entries from the libxine Spec-File build the package 
(the lbxine1-stk rpm will be empty, but doesn't matter), install 
libxine1 and libxine1-devel, build libstk, install it and rebuild 

Yes it's awfull.

> You will see a lot more e-mails from me in the coming days ;-) Bye,
> CzP

If you want to build for SUSE 10.1, please take a look at the 
Source-RPMs from the 10.1 directory, you will save a lot of trouble.

PS: Anybody else hating the "Copyright:" doesn't work anymore changes
    in the new rpm version?

Machs gut    | http://www.iivs.de/schwinde/buerger/tremmel/

Manfred      | http://packman.links2linux.de/

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